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Ancient Egypt

Welcome to Ancient Egypt, land of the pyramids, the pharaohs, and, perhaps, the greatest of the ancient civilizations!

Egypt is located in northeast Africa, along the Nile River Valley. The success and prosperity of ancient Egypt is due, in large part, to its location. Egyptians have farmed the rich soil of the Nile River Valley for over 6000 years. The Nile River linked Upper and Lower Egypt, creating a unified state, while also providing a sort of highway, along which ancient Egyptians could trade their goods.

The rulers of ancient Egypt were the pharaohs. Ancient Egyptians believed in not one god, but many gods, each of whom possessed unique powers. Ancient Egyptians viewed pharaohs as gods on earth. As gods, pharaohs were revered so much that the ancient Egyptians created pyramids to entomb the pharaohs after their death. The pyramids are located in a place known as the Valley of the Kings in Giza. You may be familiar with Cairo, which is the modern day name for Giza. The ancient Egyptians, who believed in an afterlife very similar to our life here on earth, mummified their leaders and buried them with many worldly possessions. Many of the secrets of the pharaohs and of ancient Egypt have been revealed through the hieroglyphs, or picture words, inscribed in their tombs and the many treasures that they left behind.

Task  |  Evaluation  |  Extended Learning  |  Conclusion

Webquest created by:
Kristy McCourt
Donna Nichols
Cynthia Johnson
Joe Garstka

PA Standards 8.4.6 History
